Game Of Thrones: Dragonstone - S 7: Ep 1 review (3/4) | Dany is at Dragonstone, Cersei is going mad, Jon is King of North... & Winter is here!

The long awaited Season 7 of HBO's GAME OF THRONES is here, and it did not disappoint. Although, it wasn't specially exciting either, which is quite normal for season premieres of GOT. It's usually a set up for the upcoming season, and this episode did that beautifully. You almost get to see all the major characters, and all their stories seem to converging soon. And it had some beautiful, strong and also disgusting moments spread through out the episode.


So here's what happened and what was good:

  • Arya Stark killed all the Freys, and she's heading to Kings Landing to kill the queen. she has become more and more exciting, snd it's good to see her finally in action.
  • Whitewalkers are coming. And this time, they have Giant white walkers too. Yep!!!
  • Bran Stark & Meera Reed make it in, through the wall. The scene with brothers of the Night's Watch was interesting. And its always exciting to see the "giant wall".
  • Jon Snow/Stark/Targaryen v/s Sansa Stark/Baratheon/Bolton. Sansa "loves" Jon but is not really with him in his methods. Jon is still Jon, kind and considerate. Sansa wants to be Cersei. An exciting scene of their confrontation, Jon holding his ground and showing he's the King of North.
  • Littlefinger is still creepy, but Sansa seems to be handling it. Sansa tells him "he doesn't have to seize the last word. I'm sure it's something clever." Quite fitting!
  • Cersei sends a threat to Jon about giving in, or facing destruction. Seriously?
  • Cersei has gone mad. I think. After blowing ups the crypt, and killing 11 regular stars of the show, she thinks she' super powerful. Her brother & lover, Jamie on the other hand still has some sense. He tells her that she's not the queen of seven lands, three at best, with no support. She's still going crazy. She thinks she has a way.
  • Euron Greyjoy is the way. He wants her as his queen, offering his support in return. She doesn't trust him, so he promises to return with a "priceless gift". Any ideas what it'll be? A dragon? Or Tyrion? We'll find out.
  • The Hound, who met up with Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr and the rest of the Brotherhood in Season 6, travels with them now. He lands at the farmer's house from Season 4, where he stole their gold despite Arya's protests. Now the farmer and daughter are dead, and he's filled with guilt, which he doesn't/can't show.
  • The scene where he sees whitewalkers in fire, very intense. Overall good scene for Rory McCann.
  • Now comes one of the most disgusting scene of GOT, with our favorite Samwell Tarly. Apparently, the part of training for being a maester in Citadel, is to clean up shit, literal shit. A long funny & disgusting montage of Sam cleaning shit.
  • He can't get Grand Maester to help him with training for killing whitewalkers, so he steals the book and finds out what? That there's a mountain of dragon glass under, you guessed it Dragonstone.
  • We see Jorah Mormont is still sick, waiting for the Dragon Queen, and a cure.
  • DRAGONSTONE! Dany arrives at Dragonstone, a long montage of walking to and inside. And finally arriving in the "infamous" map room, asking his hand Tyrion, "Shall we begin?". Pretty Cool!

Not so good

  • Why is Arya going to Kings Landing? Go to your family. Seriously!
  • The scene with Ed Sheeran. I mean UGH. Is she going to kill them all? She should!
  • Bran Stark is so boring. Do something cool. Be useful.
  • Long scene with Cersei and Jamie. Too much talk and exposition, not much action.
  • The long disgusting montage of poop & puke and shit cleaning by Sam was necessary? I guess so...
  • Dany didn't take the throne. I mean... There was a cool throne to sit on.
  • We didn't hear Tyrion's banter. He was there. We want him more!

Anyways, there are only 12 episodes left in the show, 6 in Season 7, and 6 in Season 8. Savor it as much as you can. Enjoy it. GOT is going to end. Yes, it's going to happen. But until then, we have a lot to look forward to. And it's going to be awesome!

It may be the first day of summer, but #WinterisHere on 7.16. Game of Thrones Season 7 premieres this July. Learn more at