New Years' Eve Suggestion # 2

If you want to ring in 2015 with a big, black heavy ball — allow me to suggest going to Brooklyn, Williamsburg to be exact and pick up a nice, fat bowling ball and try and get a strike!

12/31 Open 6pm $20

Place: Brooklyn Bown

Address: 61 Wythe Ave Williamsburg Brooklyn 11211

Cross Street: @ North 11th Street

Number: 718-963-3369


Mon–Fri 6pm–2am; Sat, Sun noon–2am

Subway: L to Bedford Ave

Price: Half-hour of play for up to eight people: Sat $20; Sun $20; shoe rental $5.

Double check the New Years’ Eve Price but we are pretty sure it’s only $20 bucks!


Dear New York, a new year is just days away. Hello “2015” and I, for one, and excited to welcome new friends, opportunities and to enjoy more of the city that I love.

No pressure!  The whole world (or so it seems) looks toward Times Square from 12/31 to about 12:05 on January 1st and then it’s off to the real parties!

 No pressure! 

Our team has decided to share some ideas that we are floating around—no pressure!

We will start with the most obvious and the Most Crowded!

If you haven’t done this once (and I’ve done this several times), I suggest that you try it. Try it.  It’s going to be a warm(ish) day and night.

Get there early.  Don’t drink too much. Arrive by 3pm (earlier if the weather is nice) to stake out a spot in the Broadway–Seventh Avenue bowtie, and be prepared to stay put: There are no public restrooms or food vendors, and leaving means giving up your spot. Seriously!  No bathrooms!

History lesson: In 1907, a sparkly sphere has been lowered in Times Square, and a New York tradition is born!

Endurance is required but it comes with entertainment — held across two stages, beginning at 6pm.

Then comes a round of pyrotechnics from One Times Square, every hour on the hour through 11pm, should whet the appetite for the ball drop at a minute to midnight. 

Waterford is above your head.  Actually about 11,875 pounds of it, stretching across 12 feet across.  As I shared, it's covered with 2,688 Waterford crystal triangles and 32, 256 LEDs. 

As it makes it’s way down 70 feet, a  60-second fireworks display with more than 3,000 colorful effects and confetti is released into the city sky.

Then you find someone to hug or kiss (or kiss and hug yourself) because it’s a new year — 2015 — and your going to enjoy (or try) what life has in store for ya!


Now — scatter throughout the city, we rock until mid-day!