Mr. Robot: (4/4) | Mr. Robot is turning into Breaking Bad & House of Cards
When I say Mr. Robot is turning into Breaking Bad & House Of Cards, I mean it's turning into this amazingly awesome TV show, which is filled with amazing storyline, amazing plot twists, amazing character development, amazing performances, and amazing everything. Yesterday's "episode eps1.7_wh1ter0se.m4v" was a clear proof of that. It's like the Red wedding of Game Of Thrones, it just blows your mind. Not once, not twice, but many times over. And the biggest shocker for the end of course.
You thought Tyrell murdering Sharon was BIG surprise? Welcome to this episode. Angela and Darlene know each other, like old friends. Yeah, kinda surprising. Maybe due to Elliot's incident with Sheyla? Giddion has been suspicious of Elliot all along. He boobytrapped Evil Corp's network by putting a honeypot. That's why Dark Army backed out. YEAH. And their entire game with Ollie was just to get a meeting with Elliot. And they did, when the mysterious White Rose, a transwoman obsessed with time, meets Elliot and gives him 50 hrs 23 mins to take care of the honeypot. And Elliot does it with Darlene and the team's help. Tyrell seems to know of Mr Robot's plan and kinda approves ofit too. He seems to be part of it somehow too. Not clear, but WHAT? And his pregnant wife Joanna stabs herfself to fake going into labor, to buy him some time and save him from police. But it's not over yet. Elliot plan seems to be working. He's celebrating with Darlene to the most surprising reveal. He seems to have "forgotten again" that Darlene is his sister. REALLY? HE rushes home to search for himself, what else he has forgotten. Of course there's nothing online or anywhere, he's a"ghost". But a blank CD in his storage Reveals Mr. Robot is his father. WTF?
***spoiler ends***
Sam Esmail is taking this show to a new level. Camera work and cinematography is just brilliant. Elliot not just breaks 3rd wall as usual, he shakes the camera. Audience becomes part of the show, or even more. Esmail is braking all rules of filmmaking and TV, and showing us something we have probably never seen. And it seems good. I'm already waiting for more. What about you?